As an example, the collaboration between professors Langlois and Bilodeau (EPM) in artificial vision, Bois, Nicolescu, Boland (ETS) and Thibeault (ETS) on the ARINC 653 standard, Savaria, David, Bois and Langlois in verification. and design methods; Savaria and Cherkaoui (UQAM) on the configuration and verification of network routers, Sawan and Savaria on the implementation of an energy conversion chain received by inductive coupling, Audet, Savaria, Ait-Mohamed (Concordia) and Thibeault (ETS) on the effects of radiation on electronics Savaria, Gagnon (ETS) and Thibeault (ETS) on design and test methods for endochronous processors and finally Savaria, Affes (INRS) and Le-Ngoc on the wireless communication systems design. Also, Sawan collaborates with Corcos (McGill) on urinary dysfunction, with Dancause (UdeM) on vision and intracortical measurements, with Emeriaud (UdeM) on automated neuromonitoring, with Lesage, Lassonde , Nguyen, Deschamps and Tardif (UdeM) on clinical imaging, with Gosselin (Laval) on the magnetic linkage of energy and finally Cowan (Concordia) on RF circuits. Internationally, let’s mention that several s collaborations exist between GRM professors and professors / researchers from universities / research centers in France (ISAE), Switzerland (EPFL), England (University of West of Scotland), China (University Tsinghua), Saudi Arabia and Brazil (Federal University of Santa Catarina).