GRM: Microelectronics and Microsystems Research Group

The main research areas of GRM concern the design methods of high-performance integrated circuits and very large-scale integrated circuits as well as the testing of these components. The work aims, for example, at the development of methods and tools for the synthesis of microelectronic systems or VLSI. Many of the projects are also geared towards the implementation of designed technologies.

Microelectronics and Microsystems Research Group in  (GRM or GR2M) aims to promote and consolidate research activities in Microelectronics at Polytechnique Montreal.


Rejean Lepage, M. Sc.
Senior Analyst for GRM


Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Our laboratory and

Research teams

Below are the main GRM faculty members 


GRM Faculty member

More details

Microelectronics and Microsystems Research Group (GRM) at Polytechnique Montréal continue to advance on several fronts. This document describes its objectives, the composition of the group, the grants and contracts obtained, the equipment and tools it owns, and recent publications and major achievements.

During the year 2017, 60 master’s and doctoral students, one professional and two technicians participated in the group’s research work, under the direction of various GRM professors and in collaboration with colleagues from the academic and industrial sectors. The members of the group have had success in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant programs with the Quebec Research Fund on Nature and Technology (FRQNT), as well as in the Research Program. Research Oriented in Microelectronics, Photonics and Telecommunication.Consider also the projects realized with industrial partners. The group aims for a balance between oriented research and academic research, the former greatly influencing the orientations developed in the past. We firmly believe that this is a guarantee of the relevance and quality of the work and orientations taken by the group.

The year 2017 was marked by several highlights, including collaborations between GRM members among themselves or with researchers from other groups and research centers.

As an example, the collaboration between professors Langlois and Bilodeau (EPM) in artificial vision, Bois, Nicolescu, Boland (ETS) and Thibeault (ETS) on the ARINC 653 standard, Savaria, David, Bois and Langlois in verification. and design methods; Savaria and Cherkaoui (UQAM) on the configuration and verification of network routers, Sawan and Savaria on the implementation of an energy conversion chain received by inductive coupling, Audet, Savaria, Ait-Mohamed (Concordia) and Thibeault (ETS) on the effects of radiation on electronics Savaria, Gagnon (ETS) and Thibeault (ETS) on design and test methods for endochronous processors and finally Savaria, Affes (INRS) and Le-Ngoc on the wireless communication systems design. Also, Sawan collaborates with Corcos (McGill) on urinary dysfunction, with Dancause (UdeM) on vision and intracortical measurements, with Emeriaud (UdeM) on automated neuromonitoring, with Lesage, Lassonde , Nguyen, Deschamps and Tardif (UdeM) on clinical imaging, with Gosselin (Laval) on the magnetic linkage of energy and finally Cowan (Concordia) on RF circuits. Internationally, let’s mention that several s collaborations exist between GRM professors and professors / researchers from universities / research centers in France (ISAE), Switzerland (EPFL), England (University of West of Scotland), China (University Tsinghua), Saudi Arabia and Brazil (Federal University of Santa Catarina).

The research and training programs for microelectronics researchers at Polytechnique Montreal cover the following sub-sectors;

  • Microelectronics technology itself, including test problems and fault and fault tolerance;
  • Applications in telecommunications, signal and image processing, parallel algorithms and architectures, and in biomedical applications by implantable sensors and micro-stimulators;
  • Computer-aided synthesis, design and test software;
  • Electronic and electro-optical devices, as well as manufacturing technologies.

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THE GRM EXISTS SINCE 1989, and back in 2025.

Polytechnique Montreal

The grouping of member professors began in 1985 at the VLSI Laboratory, but the first annual report was created in 1989. GRM94, then GRM, was enlarged, and in 2005, with the arrival of Microsystems, its new name appeared: GR2M. Early 2025, we decided to go back to only GRM.

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