Tools and links ...
Utility for ZFS file system. A management aid for snapshots. Here PurgeZFS is a script to clear / purge / delete selected ZFS snapshots. Useful for both system administrators and users wanting to free up space used by ZFS snapshots.
Co-design method (software / hardware) for identification and self-classification of high-level protocols.
Here is my master’s thesis (in french).
Senior Analyst - GR2M
Réjean Lepage, M.Sc.
Mr. Réjean Lepage is a Senior Systems Analyst. His job is the management of networked Work Stations and servers for the research group. He manages several type of Unix systems (Solaris and Linux) as well as MS Windows. He does the work of Unix and Windows integration specialist, as well as microelectronics CAD tools specialist, webmaster, information technology specialyst.
Unix, Solaris and Linux was always a love story. From an early reading of Kernighan and Ritchie, book on The C programming Language - He never stopped learning. Having various academic training completed including a Master's degree in computer science. A computer technology course from Rosemont College launched is career at Polytechnique in September 1992. His Master's Degree research project was co-directed between two universities, at UQAM (Prof. Cherkaoui) and at École Polytechnique (Prof. Savaria). The subject of the project: A co-design identification method of network protocols.Réjean has been with the Microelectronics Research Group since September 1995 and has been at the École Polytechnique de Montréal since September 1992. He work with the group to maintain and help reserchers and student since.
He is also teached class at Polytechnique's Education (Course Z410: Internet Information Highway / Intranet) 2009-2016 and (Z415 course: Internet and website development) 2017-2020.
Computer specialty
Linux RHEL (Alma Linux, CentOS, SL 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x) , Fedora, Ubuntu; Unix Solaris 8 , 9, 10; SunOS 4x ; IBM AIX; IBM OS/2; Microsoft DOS; Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, XP, 2000, 98, 95,
Programmation: C/C++, Perl, Shell script Unix (tcsh, csh, sh, ksh, bash), Pascal, DOS Batch, et quelques autres languages.
HTML, CSS, XML, CGI, SSI, JavaScript, CMS (WordPress) and Elementor, so so much more.
Sendmail, POP, IMAP, MailScanner, NFS, Samba, Bind (DNS), DHCP, SSH, SSL, GCC, Rdist, LibVRT ( Hypervisor et KVM), flexlm, MySQL, Apache, …
Administration des logiciels de Microélectronique CAO, tel que : Cadence, Mentor Graphics et ModelTech, Xilinx, Synopsys, Matlab, Altera et plusieurs autres.
Update: Oct 2024 ----- Here is a complete list of what I, Rejean Lepage, do for GR2M and VLSI Lab at Polytechnique Montreal as a Senior IT Analyst in Research and Education area. Managing all equipment within the GRM research group and VLSI teaching lab. Detailed here is all supported services, servers and IT related stuff I managed while giving support to students for research and education (grad and undergrad). Hardware manager ================ ~20 Linux Servers ~5 VM, Virt-Manager Linux Servers ~150 Linux WorkStations. ~5+ Windows WorkStations. ~5+ latops Windows ~10 printers GR2M users : 77 VLSI users : 96 System Administrator ===================== - Linux -- RHEL: Alma Linux 8x, 9x
-- RHEL: Scientific Linux (6x, 7x) -- RHEL: CentOS 7x -- testing Ubuntu? - Server updates & security, mirror, - Virtual Machines: LibVRT, virt-manager, HyperVisor - RDIST (config mgt) - iptables & Firewalld & TCP Wrapper - NFS Client & Server - AutoFS SERVICES : - Sendmail (smtp.grm.polymtl.ca, smtp.vlsi.polymtl.ca) - DoveCOT IMAP/POP (imap.grm.polymtl.ca) - Bind DNS - Auth service / NIS - DHCP - SMB / Samba - SSH - Nextcloud - Wiki - Web (server & design) - WEB CERT : Let's Encrypt - Cadconnect (web CMC Licencing) - FOG (web cloning service) - FlexLM: Local license server (ads, altera, intel, matlab, mentor, microsemi, presagis, tensilica, seimens, xilinx) - SSH / SFTP servers - VNC - RDIST (config mgt) - System Monitoring: -- (arpwatch, Logwatch, Crons output, yum-cron output, emails logs) - and more by requests. Linux Tools & apps ================== - OpenSSH - OpenSSL - Librairies: libssl, libgcc, libgtk, libgl, libz, ... - PHP - PERL & CPAN - QT - Python 2.x 3.x - Firefox - Thunderbird - GhostScript - GhostView - Multiple Gnu CC - Git (SmartGit) - Eclipse - MS Code for Linux - GCC (multiple version) - a lot more by requests CMC Microsystems Manager ======================== = CMC tools Manager - Cadence: Tools are but not limited to : LCU, PVS, EXT, XCELIUM, ASSURA, CONFRML, EDI, ET15, GENUS, IC5, IC6, INCISIV, INNOVUS, IUS, MMSIM, NEOCKT, RC, SPB, Orcad PSpice & Allegro, LIBERATE, SSV, CONFRML, SPECTRE, PEGASUS, QUANTUS, ICADVM, INTEGRAND, ... - Synopsys: Tools are but not limited to : ASIP Designer, HSPICE, PTS, VCS, FPGA, LC, SYN, VC, - Mentor Graphics / Siemens : PADS, Expedition, ModelTech, ModelSim, QuestaSim - Xilinx: Vivado, Vitis, - Keysight ADS (formely Agilent ADS) - Matlab - Comsol (pc and unix) - Ansys, Ansys workbench, (pc and unix) - HP Labview - more by requests Amisc5, AMSKIT, Cadence AMS kit GPDK, AMSp35, ARM_cmrf8sf, Artisan, Cmosis5, Cmosp13, Cmosp18, Cmosp25, Cmosp35, Cmosp8, ga911, MetalMUMPs, PolyMUMPs, rfsip, sensonit, sigehp5, SOIMUMPs, TSMC (28nm, 45nm, 65nm, 90nm) tsmc_65nm_libs, TSMC_90nm_libs, STM 28nm, XFAB xt018, Global Foundries 22nm, ... Windows IT Administrator ======================== = Manage Several PC & Laptop brand (Clone, Dell, IBM, Lenovo, HP, ...) - Windows 11, Windows 10 - Security for windows - MS Office any/all version - MathType - Xming, FastX, MobaXTERM, VNC - SSH Secure Shell Client, Putty, openSSH Windows - Adobe Acrobat - Ghost View - Adobe: Dreamweaver, PhotoShop - and more other windows apps ... - PADS - Orcad PSPICE - Altera - Xilinx - BUYING Equipments: Point of Contact with different supplier ELCO, CIARA, Lenovo, IBM, Dell Webmaster / Web designer ======================== - HTML, CGI, SSI, Java Script, CSS, XML, - Virtual Web Administator & support ServerName www.gr2m.polymtl.ca (WordPress network) ServerName intranet.grm.polymtl.ca (Wiki, NextCLoud, php, ... ) ServerName www.grm.polymtl.ca (old website ref) ServerName www.vlsi.polymtl.ca ServerName mirror.grm.polymtl.ca Conferences website: dasip-conference.org, Biocas.org, Newcas.org, ieee-sscs.polymtl.ca ... Printer services ================= 6 x HP LaserJet P3015 1 x HP Laserjet 4050tn 1 x HP Laserjet 5100 1 x HP Laserjet 2200n 1 x Dell 5100cn ... Helping professors (with all their research and Students) ================== - Yvon Savaria, GE - Yves Audet, GE - Francois Leduc-Primeau, GE - Jean-Pierre David, GE - Ahmad Hassan - Guy Bois, GI - Francois Raymond-Boyer, GI - Pierre Langlois, GI - Gabriela Nicolescu, GI - Tarek Ould-Bachir, GI
Other professors (retired or helped partially)
- Mohamad Sawan
- Jean-Jules Brault
- Ke Wu
- Guchan Zhu
- Yves Goussard
- Réjean Plamondon
- Frédéric Sirois
- Soumaya Yacout
Here are some testimonials from our best alumni.
“Rejean is a great Analyst and system administrator who knows his network inside-out. He’s always quick to fix any problem we had and did the job well. In addition to his sysadmin work, we have had the chance to collaborate on several research projects, and Rejean has shown that he can come up with novel solutions quickly. Overall, he is a sharp individual who is really good at what he does.” July 20, 2006 Tien Bui, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi
“I know Réjean for almost 3 years now and he is one of the best system administrators I have seen. He resolves any problems that he faces in a timely manner. He has deep understanding of the systems he manages and he acquires new knowlege very fast. Réjean is a definate asset to any company. He has many years of experience backed up with a masters degree in computer science.” July 20, 2006 Bill Pontikakis, Ph.D. student and Researcher in cutting edge technology, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal worked directly with Réjean at Polytechnique
Je ne peux oublier de remercier M. Rejean Lepage et Mme Ghyslaine Ethier Carrier, des personnes importantes pour moi et sans aucun doute pour le GRM, qui ont toujours eu une écoute attentive et des gestes attentionnés à mon égard.
To contact me
Phone : 514-340-4711 ext: 4837
email: Rejean.Lepage@polymtl.ca
Adresse civique:
2500 Chemin de polytechnique,
Montréal, Qc, Canada, H3T 1J4
Adresse postale:
Polytechnique Montréal
C.P. 6079, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc, Canada, H3C 3A7