Information and technical support for the GRM

Rejean Lepage
Technicien GE

Our team

Equiped for a fast support


Réjean Lepage is the IT support analyst for GRM members. It is with the help of DGE technicians, that it is possible to manage all of the GRM’s ~120 machines including GRM, VLSI, BioStim, PolySTIM…


Computer Support

  • WIKI: A lot of technical information is published on the GRM WIKI. (Available to members with a GRM account.)
  • Do not hesitate to search Internet first / Google before asking support.
  • Do not hesitate to ask your colleagues.
  • Request of GRM password modification (Samba, Windows, Linux, Unix)
  • GRM Support Policy for IT Support 

Submit a question to the GRM Support Group

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