- NEWCAS 2020
- DASIP 2019
- Vaircraft
- iVado DNN2GATE
- Huawei C-RAN Base Station Virtualization
- NEWCAS 2018
- Conférence ASAP2007
- Conférence ASAP2006
- Microsystems at Polytechnique (pdf)
Contact me
Phone : 514-340-4711
extension: 4737
Email: Yvon.Savaria@polymtl.ca
Street Address:
2500 Chemin de polytechnique,
Montreal, Qc, Canada, H3T 1J4
Postal Address:
Polytechnique Montréal
C.P. 6079, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, Qc, Canada, H3C 3A7
Yvon Savaria, Ing., Ph.D.
Welcome to my web page. This page reflects the available information about several research projects that I work on and the classes I teach.
My objectives and the objectives of the Microelectronic and Microsystems research group (GRM or GR2M) are to promote and to regroup microelectronic research activities at École Polytechnique de Montréal.
The main research areas at GR2M are about the design and implementation of high performance electronic systems. They range from circuits methods to architectures. Topics of interest include testing, fault mitigation and verification of electronic systems. For example our work notably applies to elaborate methods and tools for the synthesis of microelectronics circuits and systems. Several projects aim at real world applications to those microsystems and related technologies.
Yvon Savaria FIEEE (S' 77, M' 86, SM' 97, F’08) received the B.Ing. and M.Sc.A in electrical engineering from Polytechnique Montreal in 1980 and 1982 respectively. He also received the Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1985 from McGill University. Since 1985, he has been with Polytechnique Montreal, where he is currently professor in the department of electrical engineering. He is also affiliated with Hangzhou Innovation Institute of Beihang University.
He has carried work in several areas related to microelectronic circuits and microsystems such as testing, verification, validation, clocking methods, defect and fault tolerance, effects of radiation on electronics, high-speed interconnects and circuit design techniques, CAD methods, reconfigurable computing and applications of microelectronics to telecommunications, aerospace, image processing, video processing, radar signal processing, and digital signal processing acceleration. He is currently involved in several projects that relate to aircraft embedded systems, asynchronous circuits design and test, virtual networks, software defined networks, machine learning, computational efficiency and application specific architecture design. He holds 16 patents, has published 165 journal papers and 450 conference papers, and he was the thesis advisor of 160 graduate students who completed their studies.
He is general Chair of NEWCAS’2020, and was program co-chairman of NEWCAS’2018. He has been working as a consultant or was sponsored for carrying research by Bombardier, CNRC, Design Workshop, Dolphin, DREO, Ericsson, Genesis, Gennum, Intel, Huawei, Hyperchip, ISR, Kaloom, LTRIM, Medvalgo, Miranda, MiroTech, Nortel, Noviflow, Octasic, PMC-Sierra, Technocap, Thales, Tundra, and Wavelite. He is a member of the Regroupement Stratégique en Microélectronique du Québec (RESMIQ), of the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), and of CMC Microsystems Advisory Comittee. He was awarded in 2001 a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (www.chairs.gc.ca) on design and architectures of advanced microelectronic systems that he held until June 2015. He also received in 2006 a Synergy Award of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Here is the list of my various contributions updated at the library of Polytechnique Montréal. Note that there is also Google Scholar.